股本, 多样性, 包容 & 归属感
In 2018, 股票, 多样性, 包容, and 归属感 (EDIB) Initiative was launched as an institutional priority, with EDIB becoming a core value of the school’s 战略计划. 在总统办公室工作,支持各部门的项目, our EDIB efforts are essential to Juilliard’s mission.
茱莉亚学院致力于营造一个包容和欢迎所有人的支持性环境. 我们深知,唯有致力营造良好的环境,才能达致为学生提供最高水准的艺术教育,并积极塑造表演艺术的未来. 像这样, 股本, 多样性, 包容, and 归属感 (EDIB) is a core value and priority of the school.
- 招募, 保留, 滋养, and 研究生 diverse and globally eng年龄d 学生 who strive for EDIB in their practice
- 招募, 保留, 培养多元化和全球参与的教职员工,他们在实践中为EDIB而奋斗
- 培养包容性, 支持, 和欢迎 文化 and climate that fosters artistic, 知识, 教学, and administrative excellence, along with holistic well-being
What does EDIB represent?
我们使用首字母缩略词EDIB来描述我们为建立一个包容性的社区和实践所做的努力, 支持, 公平的, 和欢迎. 的 following terms are used to capture our 工作:
- 股本: Promoting fair treatment, 访问, 和晋升的机会,同时努力查明和消除阻碍所有群体充分参与的障碍
- 多样性: Psychological, 物理, and 社会 differences that occur among any and all individuals; these include but are not limited to race, 种族, 国籍, 宗教, 政治信仰, 社会经济地位, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, mental or 物理 ability, 等.
- 包容:创造任何个人或团体都能受到欢迎的环境, 受人尊敬的, 支持, and valued to fully participate and be their authentic selves
- 归属感: 的 sense of acceptance as a part or member of a group; an important human need that cultivates value and positive outcomes
EDIB at Juilliard represents the following values:
- Fostering an inclusive, 支持, 和欢迎 environment for all
- 努力为所有学生、教职员工提供公平的待遇、机会和机会
- 建立社区, encouraging collaboration and innovation, and providing artistic and educational experiences at the highest level of excellence
- 尊重不同观点,为更广泛的对话和经验创造机会
- 将挑战视为成长和变革的机遇,进一步发展我们的EDIB工作
- 继续支持、开发和启动体现我们对EDIB承诺的程序
Office of 股本, 多样性, 包容, and 归属感 Initiatives
2018年7月, President Damian Woetzel shared in his inaugural mess年龄 to the community, and further described in his first Convocation address, 2018年9月, that EDIB initiatives would be a core value and priority of the school. Our path forward has been holistic, 与股票, 多样性, 包容, and 归属感 included as a core value and priority of the school.
EDIB办公室的目标是解决在学生经历中可能出现的问题, focusing on assessing areas of need, 分析数据, and prioritizing actions to be carried out across departments. 的 major initial steps of the office formation can be categorized as follows:
Onboarding EDIB Workshop
2019年为茱莉亚学院员工设计和实施的基础研讨会已被纳入在线课程,作为入职过程的一部分,提供给所有茱莉亚学院员工. 这些课程也将作为年度研讨会之外的额外资源提供给在职教职员工.
取向 and First Year Experience
In collaboration with 学生发展, the Office of EDIB has expanded orientation touchpoints for under研究生, 研究生, 转学生. Under研究生 sessions focus on community building and aspects of belonging. Graduate sessions build upon EDIB concepts through artistic 工作s. 该办公室还在第一年体验课程(以前的Colloquium)期间举办了两次以edib为重点的会议,作为本科方向的延伸.
的 purpose of the EDIB (股本, 多样性, 包容, (归属)委员会为esball世博EDIB项目的发展和进展提供建议和协助, in alignment with the institution’s mission and strategic plan. Made up of Juilliard 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 政府, 和校友, EDIB理事会与EDIB办公室合作,为茱莉亚学院社区提供服务,解决需求和机会. 了解更多有关 EDIB委员会.
的 Non-Discrimination and Title IX Office
茱莉亚学院致力于确保社区成员有平等的学习机会, 工作, and thrive regardless of race, 国家的起源, color, 性, 性别认同, 性偏好, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, or any other legally protected status. To foster these values, esball世博的学习和工作环境必须杜绝任何形式的不当性行为, including 性ual harassment and 性ual violence. Learn more about Juilliard’s Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX.
Office of Academic 支持 and Disability Services (OASDS)
茱莉亚学院致力于创造一个无障碍的校园,让所有学生都有机会取得学术成功. 的 Office of Academic 支持 and Disability Services (OASDS) is the focal point for meeting the needs of 学生 with disabilities. OASDS为所有学生提供支持性教育服务(如辅导),并为残疾学生提供合理的便利. 的 office assists 学生 with the academic, 专业, 社会, 以及作为艺术家走上成功事业和丰富生活所必需的情感基础, 领导人, 和公民.
Student 多样性计划
Student 多样性计划 offers forums, trainings, and activities celebrating the diversity of our community. Programming is 支持 by 提倡多样性, 学生领袖专注于教育更大的校园社区有关多样性的问题, 文化, 国际主义, 以及社会公正. 我们感谢多样性倡导者,他们帮助开发了许多资源,包括性别代词, 选择的名字, 安全区域, and land acknowledgement. 请浏览 Student 多样性计划 p年龄 here to learn more.
的 人力资源 department is committed to 支持ing Juilliard’s mission, 目标, and values by 工作ing collaboratively with the community. 我们通过创建和启动招聘项目和服务来营造积极的工作环境, 吸引, 保留, 支持, 并在充满挑战和回报的工作环境中激励高素质和多元化的员工. We strive to promote 公平的 and fair 政府 of school policies, 程序, and benefits for all 工作人员 and 教师, ensuring compliance with all federal, 状态, 还有城市雕像. 人力资源是茱莉亚学院关于福利和就业政策信息的主要资源, 问题, 和关切.
的 2021年秋季报告 (released January 2022) includes updates on recruitment efforts; collaborations with 学生 groups; and the development of EDIB learning opportunities for 学生, 教师, 和工作人员.
的 2021年春季报告 (released June 2021) included recommendations from 工作ing groups to be implemented during the 2021-22 academic year; internal collaborations with 校友 Affairs, 学生发展, and the Writing and Communications Center; and continued EDIB efforts from the departments and divisions.
的 2020年秋季报告 (released January 2021) included the formation of two 工作ing groups focusing on the following priority areas: 工作shop development and bias response; ongoing training for bias response deputies; and updates from departments and divisions on how they have each brought EDIB 工作 into their areas.
的 2022年春季报告 (于2022年12月发布)包括从整个机构的部门和部门精选的EDIB亮点.