esball世博 offers numerous on-campus employment opportunities through the Federal 勤工助学 (FWS) and Juilliard 勤工助学 (JWS) programs.
U级学生.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents may be eligible for the federally-funded FWS program. Students who are not eligible for FWS may be eligible for JWS.
Most international students are eligible to work under the JWS program, but should check with the Office of International Advisement (OIA) prior to accepting any on-campus employment. If an internationl student does not have a Social Security Number (SSN), they can speak with the Student 就业 Manager after they have been hired into their first job within the school. International sudents will have 90 days from the start date of their first job to apply for their SSN.
Under both programs, students work at the School and are paid hourly. Pay rates typically range from $16.00 to $25.00 per hour, and vary based on level of responsibility, specialized skills required, etc. Annual earnings generally range from $1,000 to $3,500 per year.
Finding a 勤工助学 Job
更多的 than 40 different on-campus departments hire students. Each department has its own hiring procedures, and students are responsible for inquiring directly about job availability.
Juilliard students can find a list of current job openings by logging into Okta and then the Cadence employment module. 我们也提供 complete list of departments that hire work-study students. Most departments hire throughout the year, and students are welcome to make contact at any time to inquire about potential openings in addition to those advertised on this page.
Additional Requirements
All students will apply for and accept positions, plus log their hours through the Cadence employment module. All students who accept work-study positions must abide by the Code of Responsibility agreement found in the 学生手册.
由法律规定, students must complete a W-4 and I-9 form within three (3) days of being hired for their first work-study job. All students will complete these forms through their Cadence employment module. These tasks will be added to the student's Cadence employment portal once the student accepts their first position.
Students who are currently working must submit their working time via the Cadence employment module. Students are paid for work-study bi-weekly. We encourage all students to enroll in direct deposit via the ADP portal.