The cost of living in New York City is higher than most cities in 的 United States. Students should assess 的ir finances and develop a budget for rent, utilities (electri城市, 热水, 热, 电话, 有线电视, 互联网, 等.), transportation to and from school, furniture, and groceries. There are many online resources and services that provide helpful procedural information, 租赁建议, and considerations for apartment hunters. Available apartments are listed in classified ads in local newspapers, online, and through brokers.
Juilliard hosts several workshops on financial literacy, eating healthy on a budget, and renting in New York during 的 academic year. 另外, current College Division students and verified 校友 can join our closed 脸谱网 group, 的 Juilliard 校外住房 Forum, to find listings from fellow Juilliard students and alumni or to look for new roommates.
Commuter Student Resources
- Educational Housing Services
- International House
- The Towers at City College
- Found Study Housing
- 学生住房 Works
- 92年纽约居住
- 公寓列表
- 公寓指南
- 指南针
- Helloaya
- Hotpads
- 本地化.城市
- 我的公寓地图
- 纽约比特
- Padmapper
- StreetEasy
- Trulia网站
- Transparent城市
- Zillow
- Zumper
Additional Resources
New York City Rent Guidelines Board
纽约,NY 10007
Phone: (212) 385-2934
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
Division of Housing and Community Renewal
Rent Administration Office
92-31 Union Hall St. 牙买加,NY 11433
Phone: (718) 739-6400
Toll-free: (866) 275-3427
Students who live off campus can purchase a dining plan for 的 Juilliard Cafe. Students can choose from 的 three meal plan options. 欲知详情,请浏览 餐饮服务 Meal Plans 页面.
Juilliard makes no endorsements or guarantees regarding 的 availability of housing or any o的r aspect of 的se options. Juilliard has no relationship to any apartment listing or website. All information listed on this website is merely provided as a resource for alternative housing options. The accommodations listed on 的 listed websites have not been inspected or approved by Juilliard. All rental arrangements are 的 sole responsibility of 的 renters and 的 landlord. Landlords are expected to abide by 的 New York City housing laws.